
Communication is a fascinating phenomenon that forms the core of who we are. Language forms an important aspect of communication, but even without spoken words, we could still communicate, for example through images, signs and videos. The year of 2020 challenged us particularly in connecting with each other without physical presence. Digital tools became more important than ever on the level of communication.


Since I started my business in 2020 I worked regularly as a language teacher, interpret and translator. I translate between Dutch, French and English and work for big companies as well as for (small) theatre and dance companies. The fact that I’m a dramaturge is a definite plus when working on the translation of artistic texts as I know well how to capture dramaturgical essence in words.

Web development.

During the first confinement in France, in April 2020, I was challenged, as many other freelancers in the cultural sector, to find a new way of organizing my business. The empty theaters, the time spent at home, made me discover new passions: already enthousiastic about communication, I decided to dive into the depth by learning how to build my own website, how to use HTML, CSS, Javascript and how to combine this digital language with visual design.


Since January 2020 I’m working as Communication Manager for the classical music ensemble Des Équilibres (FR). My tasks: promoting concerts, animating their social media channels, creating new visual material and taking care of press relations. In April 2020, during quarantine, I organized a Livestream on Youtube of the record "Weinberg - Sonatas for violin and piano n° 4, 5 & 6 », which generated attention in different newspapers (Zibeline and Var Matin) and favorable responses of the radio-channel France Musique. The promotion of their new record « Brams Aujourd’hui » (2021) happened through online and offline advertisement and social media. The record got very well received by the press (Classica, Télérama, Pizzicato and Diapason Magazine).

Photo top: Lyodoh Kaneko
Visuals caroussel: Marieke Buytenhuijs

Photo top: Bowie Verschuuren
Photos carousel: Moon Saris & Bart Grietens

Since 2019 I’m working on a regularly basis as a Creative Producer for the musical theatre company of Anne Roos Rosa de Carvalho (NL). For the site specific theatre festival "Karavaan" in Alkmaar, our team created several performances as Het Land van Nooit (2019), at the location of Nederlands Kremlin (Dutch Kremlin) in Winkel, and Luchtbespiegelingen (2021), which took partly place in a greenhouse and partly in the fields of the old rose nursery De Rozenburg in Stompetoren. For both performances I was responsable for the production and communciation. Among my tasks: animating the Facebook page of the company, managing paper-based advertisement of posters and flyers, writing press releases, managing invitations for partners and theatre programmers, managing budgets, creating plannings and contracts, and resolving all kinds problems when working at site specific locations.